- McRazzia - Vi tar tempen på mediabilden utan att skriva läsarna på näsan vad Ni ska tycka. Även filmer, forumtrender & en hel del ren nonsens.. Allt dukat huller om buller i den ordning sidan fick in materialet + repriser. Lämna gärna en kommentar. Väl mött gott folk. McRazzia666@gmail.com
The BFMC is really an MC not a 1%er, so they have no territory to fight, no illegal trades, no drugs; they surely drink a lot but are a great friendly family based on respect of each others and they defend a real brotherhood. Respect for them!
The BFMC is really an MC not a 1%er, so they have no territory to fight, no illegal trades, no drugs; they surely drink a lot but are a great friendly family based on respect of each others and they defend a real brotherhood. Respect for them!