tisdag 22 februari 2011

No Place Like Home: Motorcycle Club - Se filmen

In this age of the Internet, smart phones and computer notebooks, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips. But it's hard to beat the kind of knowledge to be found in a face-to-face conversation with an old-timer. They hold the history of our roots in their heads, and they're usually not posting it on blogs, chat rooms or facebook.

Fortunately, they're not hard to catch up to. And they'll serve up all kinds of proof, there's no place like home.

They meet in cafes and coffee houses up and down the Central and Ssouth coast. But perhaps you've been too wrapped up in your own business to notice them. I'm talking about guys like Tony Rios and "Putty" Mills. "The full name is Rutlidge Alexander Mills, so I can do without all that." says Putty.

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