onsdag 31 mars 2010

— Millions Would Have Been Killed in Haiti, If Guns Were Legal.

Guns are illegal in Haiti. This is why when the earthquake hit and millions were without food and water, there wasnt tens of thousands of shootings for the last of the supplies. People did fight over the food and water, but not with guns and the people were able to handle the few thieves. Can you imagine what it would be like if 3 million people in Haiti had guns? Volunteers would never have a chance of helping any of those people. The 3 million people would be using their guns to get the last of the water and food supplies and juggle for positions of power in the government. Illegal guns are being shipped from Florida to Haiti, this is what is now causing much of the civil unrest according to the ATF. These guns are coming from legal gun owners. Ive known several people in gangs. The Hells Angels, the vigilantes, the renegades, the highwaymen and many of them are licensed CCW gun owners and even lifetime members of the NRA. Many of them deal in illegal guns, that come from legal gun owners. If you need 100 weapons, you simply have 100 of your gang members report their weapons stolen and collect on the insurance money, while you sell your gun to the gun dealer as a stolen gun. Many times they can insure the gun for more than what its worth and this is a big moneymaker. You buy a weapon for $500, insure it for $1000, report it stolen, sell it to a gun dealer as a stolen weapon for $300 and you just pocketed $800 bucks. You have 10 gang members do it and you get 10 weapons, a hundred game members and you get 100 weapons, if you trade gunned for drugs with other gangs, you can easily get 1000 weapons. Ship those weapons to Haiti, and your gang could be the next government of Haiti. This is why its important to slap a $50,000 fine on anyone who cannot secure their guns. People who have their guns stolen and that gun is used in a rape, that person who did not secure their guns should be charged with rape. Only a total fool allows the enemy to get their weapon. Letting a criminal steal your weapon could cost you and your family your life and many times it does. It is the criminals and gang members who are against mandatory gun locks and against fines set on people who have their weapons stolen. You cannot sell your weapon and reported stolen to collect on insurance and make a profit if there is a $50,000 fine on having your weapon stolen. These gun owners will try to have you believe and that is 3 million people in Haiti had guns that everything would be fine over there. They seem to believe that everyone was a gun is a law abiding citizen. The fact is that many gun owners have simply not been caught for their crimes. Ive never met a drug dealer that didnt have a legal gun. The problem is, lawmakers have never met a drug dealer. The people who are caught selling and distributing drugs are mules. The real drug dealers know how not to get caught. They know the law better than a lot of lawyers and judges. They know whats legal and whats not and how to work around the law. Haiti is going to be a hell of a mess unless we immediately pose a $50,000 fine on anyone who has their weapons stolen. If people cannot keep their guns secured they should not have them. Because of the earthquake the president should sign an executive order to have laws passed on fines for having your gun stolen. If you are against a fine for people who have their weapons stolen you are going to be responsible for all the violence in Haiti over the next few years. Just keep watching the news on how violent it is becoming because American guns are going to Haiti. You want to know where were going to come up with the money for the health-care plan, well there it is baby. Have your gun stolen and be fined $50,000. No more double dipping by reporting your gun stolen, collecting on insurance, at the same time youre selling it to a gun dealer. In fact insurance companies should refuse, to pay out claims on stolen guns. Im calling my insurance company and telling them if they cover stolen guns, I am changing insurance companies. There is no excuse for having your gun stolen, unless you are complete and total idiot.

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