torsdag 3 december 2009


The FREE AUSTRALIA PARTY is truly a grass roots movement consisting of ordinary Australians who have decided enough is enough.  It is time to put an end to a government that rules from a top down position claiming sovereignty over the people that put it there to serve them.  The FREE AUSTRALIA PARTY is the crest of swelling wave of dissatisfaction with this governments actions, and deliberate inaction over important things like water, health, and workers rights.

This is an update of what we have been up to of late.

We were invited to particpate in the United Motorcycle Council's freedom of association protest ride and to have our Party stall present.  It was a good day, regardless that the weather were very wet.  As a result of some motorcyclists deciding to do a protest ride through the hils of Adelaide the police decided, with the backing and support of Michael Atkinson, to punish the innocent by removing the liquor licenses of publicans that happened across there path, citing numbers as an excuse.  A couple of curious points regarding this decision are.

1. Why was the Colac Hotel at Port adelaide allowed to keep its licence?  Would it have anything to with the fact that it was a pub owned by the Labor Party?

2. Why was it assumed that the pub owner at Macclesfield would exceed his liquor licencing requirements for this ride through, when he was not targetted during the Adelaide Classic rally when many more people were passing through the town?

3.  How can this Labor government possibly claim that the SOCCA anti-association law will not affect the innocent after this has occurred as it clear to all looking on that it did?

Our first of many satirical political events kick off this weekend with a re-enactment of an action Guy Fawkes saw neccessary to deal with the parliamentary excesses of his day.  See HERE for a description of this event, when and where it is to occur.

We now have a Mandarin translation of the party manifesto which is available HERE in PDF format for download.  The Mandarin symbol on the download icon stands for "Freedom".  One of our members translated this into Mandarin because of the large Mandarin speaking community in Adelaide.  Please read it and distribute it amongst your networks.  It is a stirring doucument and exposes the modern day aristocratic government to which we are subjected and details what you the voter can do to take your power back.

We have now released one of our elction promises which are in stark contrast to the competing twins (Labor and Liberal) as they seek to shock and awe South Australians with promises of multi million dollar footy stadiums or super hospitals that double up as tourist parks.  We have drawn the conversation back to human need and water as we follow our "no more bandaids" approach to resolving the water crisis.  See HERE for our election promise.

Paul Kuhn has written a report on the "Law and Order" protest which occurred on November 20.  Press HERE to see it.

This Friday Parliament house closes for the summer break and will not sit again until February 2010 just before the elections.  We plan to use that time to raise the awareness of the public to the policies of the F.R.E.E. AUSTRALIA PARTY We certainly do not have the financial backing of the major parties, but what we do have that are very poor on; i.e. energy.

We continue to call for people interested in making a stand for Freedom, Rights, Environment and Education as a candidate to contact us so that we can support you in this as you represent the party.

Written by

Craig Hendry

Chair person & Policy Coordinator - FREE AUSTRALIA PARTY

Main Branch Office
166 Smart Road, St. Agnes
South Australia      5097
Office: (08) 8396 3355

Mobile: 0408 811 824

FREE AUSTRALIA PARTY is now on face book.


Copyright © 2009 F.R.E.E. Australia.  All Rights Reserved.
Material authorised by Paul Kuhn, 53 Marston Drive, Morphett Vale SA 5162

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