lördag 18 december 2010

Dear Government of Sweden ............................... By Michel Moore

Dear Swedish Government:
Hi there - or as you all say, Hallå! You know, all of us here in the U.S. love your country. Your Volvos, your meatballs, your hard-to-put-together furniture - we can't get enough!
There's just one thing that bothers me - why has Amnesty International, in a special report (described in detail here by Naomi Wolf), declared that Sweden refuses to deal with the very real tragedy of rape? In fact, they say that all over Scandinavia, including in your country, rapists "enjoy impunity." And the United Nations, the EU and Swedish human rights groups have come to the same conclusion: Sweden just doesn't take sexual assault against women seriously. How else do you explain these statistics from Katrin Axelsson of Women Against Rape:
** Sweden has the HIGHEST per capita number of reported rapes in Europe.
** This number of rapes has quadrupled in the last 20 years.
** The conviction rates? They have steadily DECREASED.

Dokumentärfilmaren skriver brev till svenska regeringen

Sverige är ett drömland för våldtäktsmän.
Det skriver den världsberömde dokumentärfilmaren Michael Moore i ett raljant brev till den svenska regeringen.


1 kommentar:

  1. Det tråkiga är att alla andra i världen ser att Sverige är på väg ner i träsket men inte våra politiker!!
    Våldtäkter tystas tack vare att de FLESTA begås av invandrare!!
    Är själv invandrare som ser vad som händer här å inte blundar för sanningen
