onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Biker War Looms in Bremen - MONGOLS MC BREMEN

Members of a notorious Kurdish clan in Bremen have founded a new chapter of the Mongols motorcycle club and are challenging the Hells Angels in the city. The police fear a new biker war may be just around the corner.

The last movement in the life of novice motorcyclist Mustafa B. was a twist of his right hand. His red Honda Fireblade, which had a 178-horsepower engine and a top speed of 290 km/h (180 mph), accelerated with a roar and shot past the cars. Seconds later, the biker smashed into a tree. He died at the scene of the accident, a four-lane street in the northwestern German city of Bremen. A statement later issued by the police blandly stated that "no third party was to blame."

Nevertheless, investigators took a particularly close look at the victim's motorbike to check for possible sabotage. After all, 38-year-old Mustafa B., who was Kurdish, was considered a leading light in Bremen's organized crime circles. The police therefore had good reasons to suspect that some people might have had a vested interest in his demise.

Mustafa B. had challenged the Hells Angels, the legendary bikers' club. Members of the Hells Angels have long been believed to play an important role in the city's underworld. In August, Mustafa B. and almost two dozen members of his clan had founded a local chapter of the Mongols, an international motorcycle club. It was the first time in Germany that members of a Muslim immigrant clan which is believed to be involved in organized crime have been active in this area.

Viel wurde in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren über Motorradclubs berichtet. Dabei fielen immer wieder die Namen der "Hells Angels" oder "Bandidos". Die beiden Motorradbanden waren wegen gewalttätiger Auseinandersetzungen untereinander in die Schlagzeilen geraten, und auch in Bremen sorgten die Rocker für Ärger.

Nun soll sich angeblich ein weiterer Club in Bremen niederlassen – die "Mongols MC". Die Hansestadt betrachten aber die "Hells Angels" als ihr Revier, ein Umstand, der zu Gewalt-Konflikten mit den "Mongols" führen könnte. Reporter Achim Winkelmann hat recherchiert und verrät bei Funkhaus Europa, welches Konfliktpotenzial dahinter steckt.

Droht von der Hansestadt aus eine Globalisierung des Bösen? Mitglieder des kriminellen Miri-Clans mischen im internationalen Motorrad-Club “Mongols M.C.”



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