If you read the papers or listen to the news, the media and law enforcement agents have redefined the term "1%er". The term was first used in the 60s to describe some of the people that attended the motorcycle events back then.
The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) stated that 99% of the people at their events were god fearing and family oriented. The other 1% were hard riding, hard partying, non mainstream type people. The term 1%er was born. Some of the early bikers embraced the term and decided to call themselves 1%ers. It did not mean that they were law breakers or low life individuals. They were simply men that rode their motorcycles seven days a week in all kinds of weather, liked to drink and raise a little hell here and there.
Sometime during the 80’s law enforcement changed the meaning of the 1%er to what they wanted it to represent. It didn’t matter that their meaning was incorrect, they just spoon fed it to the general public and the courts as they have done with so many other things.
Motorcycle Clubs are rich in history and traditions. One of those traditions is the wearing of a 1%er patch on our vests and referring to ourselves as a 1%er club. The 1%er definition as we see it is one that explains our commitment to Biking and Brotherhood.
We ride our bikes every day rain or shine. We ride thousands of miles each year with our Brothers to attend parties, social events, funerals and just plain spending time together. We work, have families and do all the things that our neighbors do. In addition to that we belong to a strong Brotherhood that we combine with our day to day lives. To say that 1%ers are criminals or people of a lesser moral code than the rest of society is a tainted opinion, and a product of sick brains in the police force, Parlements and news papers. Non of them knows what it means to be a true Brother, all they know is how to use 1% clubs and brotherhoods to get more power, more money , so they can continue . There biggest problem is , that whatever they do, call us , now and forever, we are born free - and we will ride free forever - the more they push - the stronger the Brotherhood will be.
Thank you for all your support to the brothers in chains and to the club .
Veterans MC Sweden 1%
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