tisdag 4 maj 2010


The season is startet and we are out riding. now that should be in the best interes of everybody - but no !
Last week we went on memory run for a brother who pased away 11 years ago, every year on his day of departure, his brothers and members of 1%er clubs all over scandinavia takes a ride to his grave to honour him and his colors.

This year the Danish police choose to see the memory run as an act of teror, you heart rught - an act of teror, they waited until all the bikes where on one main street in Copenhagen - and then they atacked, with buses full off police officers and other crap they came and almost drove into the pack.

- The pack was moving at 45 km so no one saw it as an act of horor or demonstration off power. now the police could have choosen to make a control at the clubhouse - but that dosent give the police the puplicity they need - so they choose instead to drive like mad people on the pedestrian - tumble brothers over and handcuff them - in the midle of the street ... one and a half hour later no one was found guilty of anything other than being a biker . so the police pronaunsed that if the pack drove trough Copenhagen town all would be arested.
WHY ? no reason what so ever . after that all the brothers drove to the brothers clubhouse - or should I say tryed to do so , because now MC police was all over the place, one police officer on bike drove up to a Prospect in the back of the pack and kicked to the front wheel of the prospects bike, in order not to crash the prospect had to drive on the pedestrian - then the MC police tryed again to kick the man off the bike , other places brothers was stoped while they where fueling on gas stations - no reson - no explanation just provokation .

What is it the police will win ??? Why do they act like they say we do ? how can anyone in the police force think that brothers on a memory run wants to make terorism ?? - is this the kind of law inforcement you the people wants ? proberly not - today its us - the bikers but maybe the next lot will be some people with another political openion - who knows !

What stands is that one day - maybe someone has enough ! then what. We need you support more than ever now - we need you to tell the politicians to stop the police provocment before its to late . . . . .

They call it zero tolerance - what happens when the bikers do the same and pay back with "zero tolerance" No one wants that to happen .

Have a great spring

1 kommentar:

  1. Men herregud! Jag har sagt det förut och jag måste säga det igen - varför envisas med att använda ett språk ni uppenbarligen inte behärskar. Den här gången var det ju värre än någonsin. Nästan varannat ord är ju felstavat.
    Men det låter onekligen som ett riktigt party när både poliser och proppar kör på fotgängare och några tydligen togs när de helt oskyldigt stod och hällde bränsle på bensinmacken. Tänkte de tända på sedan eller? Helt otroligt att inte hela gänget togs om hand. Om inte i arresten så borde de i alla fall tvingas tillbaks till skolbänken för kompletterande engelsklektioner.
    Och angående "Have a great spring"... vet ni inte att hårdingar kör ofjädrat?
